实验八 内存管理



ARM Cortex-A Series Programmer’s Guide for ARMv8-A 中提到:For EL0 and EL1, there are two translation tables. TTBR0_EL1 provides translations for the bottom of Virtual Address space, which is typically application space and TTBR1_EL1 covers the top of Virtual Address space, typically kernel space. This split means that the OS mappings do not have to be replicated in the translation tables of each task. 即TTBR0指向整个虚拟空间下半部分通常用于应用程序的空间,TTBR1指向虚拟空间的上半部分通常用于内核的空间。其中TTBR0除了在EL1中存在外,也在EL2 and EL3中存在,但TTBR1只在EL1中存在 [1]

TTBR0_ELn 和 TTBR1_ELn 是页表基地址寄存器 [2],地址转换的过程如下所示 [3]


In a simple address translation involving only one level of look-up. It assumes we are using a 64KB granule with a 42-bit Virtual Address. The MMU translates a Virtual Address as follows:

  1. If VA[63:42] = 1 then TTBR1 is used for the base address for the first page table. When VA[63:42] = 0, TTBR0 is used for the base address for the first page table.

  2. The page table contains 8192 64-bit page table entries, and is indexed using VA[41:29]. The MMU reads the pertinent level 2 page table entry from the table.

  3. The MMU checks the page table entry for validity and whether or not the requested memory access is allowed. Assuming it is valid, the memory access is allowed.

  4. In the above Figure, the page table entry refers to a 512MB page (it is a block descriptor).

  5. Bits [47:29] are taken from this page table entry and form bits [47:29] of the Physical Address.

  6. Because we have a 512MB page, bits [28:0] of the VA are taken to form PA[28:0]. See Effect of granule sizes on translation tables

  7. The full PA[47:0] is returned, along with additional information from the page table entry.

In practice, such a simple translation process severely limits how finely you can divide up your address space. Instead of using only this first-level translation table, a first-level table entry can also point to a second-level page table.

使用identity mapping映射

虚拟地址的转换很容易出错也很难调试,所以我们从最简单方式开始,即identity mapping,所谓identity mapping就是将虚拟地址映射到相同的物理地址。

在start.s中启用identity mapping,

  1.globl _start
  2.extern LD_STACK_PTR
  4.section ".text.boot"
  7    ldr     x30, =LD_STACK_PTR
  8    mov   sp, x30
 10    // Initialize exceptions
 11    ldr     x0, =exception_vector_table
 12    msr     vbar_el1, x0
 13    isb
 15    // Initialize translation table control registers
 16    ldr     x0, =TCR_EL1_VALUE
 17    msr     tcr_el1, x0
 18    ldr     x0, =MAIR_EL1_VALUE
 19    msr     mair_el1, x0
 21    // 因为采用的36位地址空间,所以是level1 page table
 22    ldr     x1, =LD_TTBR0_BASE
 23    msr     ttbr0_el1, x1 //页表基地址TTBR0
 24    ldr     x2, =LD_TTBR1_BASE
 25    msr     ttbr1_el1, x2 //页表基地址TTBR1
 27    // entries of level1 page table
 28    // 虚拟地址空间的下半部分做identity mapping
 29    // 第一项 虚拟地址0 - 1g,根据virt的定义为flash和外设,参见virt.c
 30    ldr     x3, =0x0 //
 31    lsr     x4, x3, #30            // divide kernel start address by 1G
 32    lsl     x5, x4, #30             // multiply by 1G, and keep table index in x0
 33    ldr     x6, =PERIPHERALS_ATTR
 34    orr     x5, x5, x6             // add flags
 35    str     x5, [x1], #8   //
 36    // 第二项 虚拟地址1g - 2g,内存部分
 37    ldr     x3, =_start //
 38    lsr     x4, x3, #30            // divide kernel start address by 1G
 39    lsl     x5, x4, #30             // multiply by 1G, and keep table index in x0
 40    ldr     x6, =IDENTITY_MAP_ATTR
 41    orr     x5, x5, x6             // add flags
 42    str     x5, [x1], #8
 45    // Enable the MMU.
 46    mrs     x0, sctlr_el1
 47    orr     x0, x0, #0x1
 48    msr     sctlr_el1, x0
 49    dsb     sy              //Programmer’s Guide for ARMv8-A chapter13.2 Barriers
 50    isb
 53    bl      not_main
 57.equ PSCI_SYSTEM_OFF, 0x84000008
 58.globl system_off
 60    ldr     x0, =PSCI_SYSTEM_OFF
 61    hvc     #0
 64.equ TCR_EL1_VALUE, 0x1B55C351C // ---------------------------------------------
 65// IPS   | b001    << 32 | 36bits address space - 64GB
 66// TG1   | b10     << 30 | 4KB granule size for TTBR1_EL1
 67// SH1   | b11     << 28 | 页表所在memory: Inner shareable
 68// ORGN1 | b01     << 26 | 页表所在memory: Normal, Outer Wr.Back Rd.alloc Wr.alloc Cacheble
 69// IRGN1 | b01     << 24 | 页表所在memory: Normal, Inner Wr.Back Rd.alloc Wr.alloc Cacheble
 70// EPD   | b0      << 23 | Perform translation table walk using TTBR1_EL1
 71// A1    | b1      << 22 | TTBR1_EL1.ASID defined the ASID
 72// T1SZ  | b011100 << 16 | Memory region 2^(64-28) -> 0xffffffexxxxxxxxx
 73// TG0   | b00     << 14 | 4KB granule size
 74// SH0   | b11     << 12 | 页表所在memory: Inner Sharebale
 75// ORGN0 | b01     << 10 | 页表所在memory: Normal, Outer Wr.Back Rd.alloc Wr.alloc Cacheble
 76// IRGN0 | b01     << 8  | 页表所在memory: Normal, Inner Wr.Back Rd.alloc Wr.alloc Cacheble
 77// EPD0  | b0      << 7  | Perform translation table walk using TTBR0_EL1
 78// 0     | b0      << 6  | Zero field (reserve)
 79// T0SZ  | b011100 << 0  | Memory region 2^(64-28)
 81.equ MAIR_EL1_VALUE, 0xFF440C0400// ---------------------------------------------
 82//                   INDX         MAIR
 83// DEVICE_nGnRnE    b000(0)     b00000000
 84// DEVICE_nGnRE         b001(1)         b00000100
 85// DEVICE_GRE               b010(2)     b00001100
 86// NORMAL_NC                b011(3)     b01000100
 87// NORMAL               b100(4)         b11111111
 89.equ PERIPHERALS_ATTR, 0x60000000000601 // -------------------------------------
 90// UXN   | b1      << 54 | Unprivileged eXecute Never
 91// PXN   | b1      << 53 | Privileged eXecute Never
 92// AF    | b1      << 10 | Access Flag
 93// SH    | b10     << 8  | Outer shareable
 94// AP    | b01     << 6  | R/W, EL0 access denied
 95// NS    | b0      << 5  | Security bit (EL3 and Secure EL1 only)
 96// INDX  | b000    << 2  | Attribute index in MAIR_ELn,参见MAIR_EL1_VALUE
 97// ENTRY | b01     << 0  | Block entry
 99.equ IDENTITY_MAP_ATTR, 0x40000000000711 // ------------------------------------
100// UXN   | b1      << 54 | Unprivileged eXecute Never
101// PXN   | b0      << 53 | Privileged eXecute Never
102// AF    | b1      << 10 | Access Flag
103// SH    | b11     << 8  | Inner shareable
104// AP    | b00     << 6  | R/W, EL0 access denied
105// NS    | b0      << 5  | Security bit (EL3 and Secure EL1 only)
106// INDX  | b100    << 2  | Attribute index in MAIR_ELn,参见MAIR_EL1_VALUE
107// ENTRY | b01     << 0  | Block entry


ldr x0, =TCR_EL1_VALUE 用于将一个立即数载入x0,但arm是rsic的机器,不可能支持所有范围内的立即数,实际上这是一条伪指令。

mair_el1 是内存属性间接寄存器,他的作用是预先定义好属性,然后通过索引来访问这些预定义的属性。

_setup_pagetable (line 20) 构建页表。简单起见,我们采用1G的块,36位的虚拟地址空间。首先设置好寄存器 ttbr0_el1 和 ttbr1_el1 ,如前所述,为页表基地址寄存器。在AArch64中,每个表项占8个字节 [4] ,line 30 - 32, line 37 - 39 将偏移部分置0仅保留索引, line 33 - 34, line 40 - 41 将属性附加到索引上形成完整的表项值。最后存入 [x1] ,即 ttbr0_el1 所指向的位置,同时x1加8字节(因为每个表项大小为8字节)。

line 37 表示 虚拟地址空间1g - 2g部分(因为是第2项,每项1g)映射到 _start 所在物理内存的1g空间处。

_enable_mmu 启用MMU。

汇编语法可以参考 GNU ARM Assembler Quick Reference [5] 和 Arm Architecture Reference Manual Armv8 (Chapter C3 A64 Instruction Set Overview) [6]

关于rust内联汇编的相关知识可以参考 Inline assembly [7] 和 内联汇编中Clobbers的用途到底是什么 [8]


LD_TTBR0_BASE = .; /*页表*/
. = . + 0x1000;

. = . + 0x1000;



自行实验:将虚拟地址2g - 3g处映射到物理地址 0 - 1g,从而对 0x89000000 地址的写入将通过 pl011 串口输出,因为此时 0x89000000 映射到了物理地址 pl011@9000000 的地方。

非identity mapping映射

identity mapping 毕竟过于简单,在实际的系统上并不实用,但也不是完全没有用途。如arm规定在启用地址映射时最好采用identity mapping。参见 这里 (D5.2.3 Controlling address translation stages)。

If the PA of the software that enables or disables a particular stage of address translation differs from its VA, speculative instruction fetching can cause complications. Arm strongly recommends that the PA and VA of any software that enables or disables a stage of address translation are identical if that stage of translation controls translations that apply to the software currently being executed.



    // 虚拟地址空间的上半部分处理
    // 第一项 虚拟地址空间上半部分的首个1g映射到物理地址空间的0~1G,根据virt的定义为flash和外设,参见virt.c
    ldr     x3, =0x0 //
    lsr     x4, x3, #30            // divide kernel start address by 1G
    lsl     x5, x4, #30             // multiply by 1G, and keep table index in x0
    ldr     x6, =PERIPHERALS_ATTR
    orr     x5, x5, x6             // add flags
    str     x5, [x2], #8   //

    // 第二项, 映射到内存(首先简单地实现块级映射,没有问题了再进一步将其映射到页表)
    //    ldr     x3, =0x40010000 //
    //    lsr     x4, x3, #30            // divide kernel start address by 1G
    //    lsl     x5, x4, #30             // multiply by 1G, and keep table index in x0
    //    ldr     x6, =KERNEL_ATTR
    //    orr     x5, x5, x6             // add flags
    //    str     x5, [x2], #8   //

    // 第二项,映射到页表(可以先实验上面块级映射,如果没问题再进一步将其映射到页表)
    ldr         x3, =LD_TTBR1_L2TBL
    ldr         x4, =0xFFFFF000
    and         x5, x3, x4 // NSTable=0 APTable=0 XNTable=0 PXNTable=0.
    orr         x5, x5, 0x3 //Valid page table entry
    str         x5, [x2], #8 //TTBR1

    // entries of level2 page table,内核总共16M,参见aarch64-qemu.ld文件
    ldr     x3, =LD_TTBR1_L2TBL
    mov     x4, #8  // 8个二级页表项
    ldr     x5, =KERNEL_ATTR  //内核属性,可读写,可执行
    ldr     x7, =0x1
    add     x5, x5, x7, lsl #30 //物理地址在1G开始的位置
    ldr         x6, =0x00200000 // 每次增加2M
    str         x5, [x3], #8 // 填入内容到页表项
    add     x5, x5, x6  // 下一项的地址增加2M
    subs    x4, x4, #1  // 项数减少1
    bne     _build_2nd_pgtbl

.equ KERNEL_ATTR, 0x40000000000711 // -------------------------------------
// UXN   | b1      << 54 | Unprivileged eXecute Never
// PXN   | b0      << 53 | Privileged eXecute Never
// AF    | b1      << 10 | Access Flag
// SH    | b11     << 8  | Inner shareable
// AP    | b00     << 6  | R/W, EL0 access denied
// NS    | b0      << 5  | Security bit (EL3 and Secure EL1 only)
// INDX  | b100    << 2  | Attribute index in MAIR_ELn,参见MAIR_EL1_VALUE
// ENTRY | b01     << 0  | Block entry


__KERN_VMA_BASE = 0xfffffff000000000;
__PHY_DRAM_START_ADDR = 0x40000000;
__PHY_START_LOAD_ADDR = 0x40010000;



    .text.boot : AT(__PHY_START_LOAD_ADDR) { KEEP(*(.text.boot)) }  /*ADDR(.text.boot) - __KERN_VMA_BASE*/

    .text : /*AT(ADDR(.text) - __KERN_VMA_BASE)*/ {
    . = ALIGN(0x1000);

    .rodata :  /*AT(ADDR(.rodata) - __KERN_VMA_BASE)*/ { *(.rodata*) }
    . = ALIGN(0x1000);

    LD_DATA_BASE = .;
    .data : /*AT(ADDR(.data) - __KERN_VMA_BASE)*/ { *(.data*) }
    . = ALIGN(0x1000);

    LD_BSS_BASE = .;
    .bss : /*AT(ADDR(.bss) - __KERN_VMA_BASE)*/  { *(.bss*)

    . = ALIGN(4096); /* align to page size */
    . += (4096 * 100); /* 栈的大小 */
    stack_top = .;
    LD_STACK_PTR = .;
    . = ALIGN(0x1000);

    .pt : /*AT(ADDR(.pt) - __KERN_VMA_BASE)*/ /* 页表 */
    . = ALIGN(4096); /* align to page size */
    LD_TTBR0_BASE = . - __KERN_VMA_BASE; /*页表*/
    . = . + 0x1000;

    . = . + 0x1000;

    LD_TTBR0_L2TBL = . - __KERN_VMA_BASE; /*二级页表*/
    . = . + 0x1000;

    . = . + 0x1000;

    . = . + 0x1000;


// interrupts.rs
//const GICD_BASE: u64 = 0x08000000;
//const GICC_BASE: u64 = 0x08010000;
// ==>
const GICD_BASE: u64 = 0xfffffff000000000 + 0x08000000;
const GICC_BASE: u64 = 0xfffffff000000000 + 0x08010000;

// pl011.rs
//pub const PL011REGS: *mut PL011Regs = (0x0900_0000) as *mut PL011Regs;
// ==>
pub const PL011REGS: *mut PL011Regs = (0xfffffff000000000u64 + 0x0900_0000) as *mut PL011Regs;

// pl061.rs
//pub const PL061REGS: *mut PL061Regs = (0x903_0000) as *mut PL061Regs;
// ==>
pub const PL061REGS: *mut PL061Regs = (0xfffffff000000000u64 + 0x903_0000) as *mut PL061Regs;
